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           Itawis, also known as Itawes, Itawis, or Tawit is a developing language found in the Northern Philippines, specifically in the Cordillera Administrative Region, Cagayan Province. The informant used Itawit to refer to his language, mentioning how those who use the language calls it Itawit, while other ethnolinguistic groups refer to the language as Itawis. Its language status is 5 or developing. Some mention that Malaweg is a variation or a dialect of Itawis, although the informant mentioned that they consider those who speak Malaweg a completely different group from theirs. According to the informant, they distinguish Itawis speakers through their use of filler words such as “yaw”, “nge”, and “eh” which still shows even as they speak a different language.


           According to the informant, the daily activities of the speakers of Itawis include agriculture, with siesta breaks in the shade in the afternoon. For recreation, they play basketball, mahjong, tong-its, and bingo. Unlike other provinces, internet is not widespread, and is only used mostly for Facebook and DOTA. The youth prefer to visit friends in other towns and go on exploring fields and rivers. There is also the trade industry, and this is where the spread of language starts. Their interactions with other groups are mostly for trade and commerce. However, there has been a prejudice since Itawis and Ibanags tend to think of each other as conceited or arrogant, which sometimes leads to scuffles among school children.


          The informant is Mr. Kevin, 24 yrs. old, a musician and a teacher, who speaks Itawit/Itawis, Tagalog, English, and Ibanag.


Phonetic Inventory of Itawis

70-Word Swadesh List

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