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             According to the informant, there is a variation present in Pasíl, Kalinga. Though there are no studies nor researches yet about this variation, the researchers still considered the informant's claims. The informant stated that this variation is the characteristic intonation of Pasíl, Kalinga which is distinct from other municipalities of Kalinga.


            The researchers initially thought that Itneg, Banao is the dialectal variation present in Pasíl; such that in the Ethnologue, only Itneg, Banao did appear related to Pasíl. The informant claimed Ethnologue's record to be “somehow” incorrectly written. Based on our informant's affirmations, it is possible that Itneg, Banao was the only option in Ethologue because as Banao is near Pasíl; and Pasíl is the furthest extension of Itneg, Banao. The informant also stated that Itneg is unintelligible to her.


             According to the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), Pasíl has 14 barangays and population of 9, 626 (2010 NSO Census Population). The Kalinga language itself, according to our data, has its own distinction; a vowel-like voiceless alveolar lateral approximant, in which the researchers provided the phonetic symbol [L]. However, the researchers then found in some literary sources, story books from SIL, that SIL has an orthographic version of this vowel-like voiceless alveolar lateral approximant which is y.


Phonetic Inventory of Kalinga

70-Word Swadesh List

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